For any company that is looking into sales training, it can be a bit of a minefield as there are hundreds of training companies offering their services. These businesses do range from the large and well established expensive firms down to small sole traders that have had experience of selling and are offering their training services.

By typing into Google 'sales training companies UK' this will bring up over 39,000,000 results - so how can it be possible to hone this search down to be able to find a sales training business that meets the following criteria:

    * A Local company
    * An established trainer that has a good track record.
    * Flexibility to be able to offer internal and/or external courses
    * Industry experienced (so they can relate to you)
    * Cost effective - not charging through the nose for a course.

Many training companies charge overly high prices for their courses which can often be dominated by coffee sessions, administration and inter relating with candidates on the course - as opposed to actual teaching time and knowing imparting.

Marketing Quotes offers a quick and free service to help UK businesses to get quotes from local sales training companies - which will allow you to compare prices and select a sales training agency based on the criteria above and most importantly finding a quality trainer and a quality price.

For help in finding a local marketing company or comparing prices from local marketing companies feel free to visit Marketing Quotes and get ideas and quotes for free.

Marketing Quotes is a free service to UK businesses to help them get free advise and quotes from local marketing companies
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